
A Computer ran on water

 A Computer ran on water

Valdimir Sergeevich Lukyanov built the world's first computer in 1936, the amazing fact that the computer was driven by water, to ran the computer with water he solved differential equations in partial derivatives.

In the images of Lukyanov Computer you'll see a complex system of interconnected tubes filled with water. Adjusting taps and plugs altered the flow of water while the end result was seen by measuring the level of water in certain tubes. It was also called a " Water Integrator ".  The water level in various chambers represented stored numbers, and the rate flow between them by represented as mathematical operations. The computer was capable of solving inhomogeneous differential equations.  

In 1940s a water integrator used in the design "Karakum canal ", and in 1941 Lukyanov created a Hydraulic integrator of modular design which made it possible to solve various problems. In the same year Two dimensional and three dimensional Hydraulic integration are designed.

Lukuanov worked with an construction company, he was unable to find a solution for the cracks that used to happen in concretes during winter sub zero temperature. To understand the thermal process better, Lukyanov researched the  temperature condition in the concrete masonry finally he build the water integrator machine that could plot graphs and help visualize the thermal process ."It was originally designed to solve the problems of cracking in concrete".

Manufacturing Plants research Organizations and educational institutes used the water computers well in to the 1970s. Water analog computers used in soviet union until 1980s for large scale modelling.

Water integrators are used in mine construction, Metallurgy, Rocket production and other fields.

The Hydraulic integrators are know we can see it in "Polytechnic Museum in Moscow".

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