

Newspaper & Social media

 Social media 

Interaction among people in which they create, share ideas in virtual communities of networks. The social media used to keep in touch with friends and families and also many more social medias are used for career opportunities connect with people across the globe with like-minded interests and feelings and ideas etc..

In today's world the news circulates vey fast, we can not only see news on TV and newspaper.  Many social media apps are there to share various types of news. People can share any information at any time at any place using social media.

Social media apps have changed the way of people interact with others along with many other perceived benefits such apps have also become a great way for people all over the world to receive easy access to the news. 

Actually there are many platforms of social media are there, few of them are:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc..

Social media changed the prospect of world. Social media made people explore the world. 

As a coin has 2 sides social media impact on people also have 2 types.

Social media may be used for positive things and also for negative purposes.

Uses of Social Media:

1. Communication: Social media made easy to communicate with the people

2. Information: In social media we can share anything, because of that a lot of information is available in social media such that if we want to know anything maximum we can find it from social media.

3. Opinions and Reviews: Social Media is the best platform to know the opinions of different people at particular points. Example if we want to buy a mobile phone online Reviews and opinions of customers helps other customers a lot.

4. Entertainment: Social media provides a lot of entertainment to people through memes etc.

Everything will be fine if we utilize in limit and if limits are crossed than positive things change to negative. 

Social media's impact on news is completely reshaping in present days. We  can easily access information on the web, there are many uses when it comes to using social media apps for accessing news

Generally the Social media contents are six Categories Promotion Education Connection Conversation Inspiration and Entertainment

Social Media is nothing but exploring of world.

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